Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I make up with my best friend?

I'm 14 and I have been friends with this girl that's my age and I have known her sense I was like 2. Her birthday was a few weeks ago and I went to her house to see her but the whole time I was there she just talked to her boyfriend on the phone when I never get to see her sense we live about 45 minutes away from each other. So a few days after her birthday I sent her a message on myspace about how it made me feel bad that she did that and I wasn't mean about it I just told her. She got so mad at me that shes not talking to me and its been like a month. I really want to send her a message on myspace because I'm not comfortable calling her, but what do I say it I send her a message? How do I make up with my best friend?
Tell her that she shouldn't let such a stupid thing get in the way of your friendship. Like you said, you've known her ever since you were 2, you've been through so much with her and its not worth it to just throw this friendship away over some guy.

Tell her you understand she has a boyfriend and that she wants to talk to him and stuff but also remind her that your her best friend and that she needs to make some time for you too especially since you guys live so far away, its not everyday that you get to see each other.

Tell her you weren't trying to be mean or anything, only that you simply miss your best friend and wish she would spend some time with you too. Tell her that you want things to go back to the way they were and tell her to give you a call sometime to talk things over.

If she's a true friend she will understand. However, if your best friend continues to ignore you then maybe its time you move on, she doesn't deserve your time and effort.How do I make up with my best friend?
give her space
just ask her if shes mad at you and you didnt mean to make her mad
Well first tell her you are sorry if you upset her , but you were telling how you felt and explain that you were used to being so close her that it really upset you when she did not give you the time of day..However remember when we get a boyfriend or girlfriend we usually are not trying to be mean to anyone else in our life we just want to spend all of our time with the boyfriend or after you send your message give her some time i am sure things will work out.
Well, since its been about a month, its probably given her a chance to cool off (even though what you said shouldn't make someone get mad, let alone make them not talk to you for a month). I think you should send her a message on Myspace, and validate her points on why she's mad (even though it may be difficult) but validate your points as well. Then go into telling her that shes your best friend, and that you care about her a whole lot.

Good luck :)
messages on myspace are never the best way to fix something. if you want to make up with her i suggest calling her.

explain to her how her talking on the phone with her the boyfriend the whole time instead of hanging out with you hurt your feelings. if she is a goood friend she will understand. also tell her that you dont want to ruin your friendship with her over something so silly.

remember- the boyfriends that you have when you are 14 dont last forever, but your friendships do.

the best thing to do is apologize, in person. she has a boyfriend, naturally she wants to talk about him. when you get a boyfriend you want to talk about him also. just get over it.

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