Friday, August 20, 2010

Can anyone help me make up a rhyme for a friend?

So this may sound weird but my friend has a gf and he is planning on hooking up with her but he dusnt know how to unhook a bra. So i told him that id give him one of my old ones to practice on. I was planning on puttin it in a bag and giving it to him. The problem is that i wanted to put a little rhyme in the bag with it. Something along the lines of practice makes perfect and good luck but thought it would be funny if it rhymed. Catch my drift? Think you can do it answerers?? I do giv best asnwers.Can anyone help me make up a rhyme for a friend?
Hope it works out with you and your friend

I'll be here for you till the very end.

Practice makes perfect and everything more,

So hope this'll help you with this daunting new chore!!!

ya, it's corny, but I tried ;DCan anyone help me make up a rhyme for a friend?
bend, blend, end, ende, fend, lend, mend, mende, penned, rende, send, spend, tend, trend, wend, wende
This things holds tit$

If you mess up, your blown to bits.

Go ahead give it a tug

if it doesn't work give her a mug

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